Monday, October 19, 2009

The Buzz on Elmo's Animal Adventures

Dude.  It's Elmo.  Need I say more?  No?  Yes?  Well, then.....

A brief synopsis of Elmo's Adventures:
Join Elmo and his friends as they embark on 3 fun-filled adventures.  Help Elmo and Tilly find Little Bo Peep’s missing cow by following clues and working together as a team.  Use animal facts to help Elmo & Abby succeed in the “Find The Amphibian Game” and join Elmo in a camping adventure as he learns that sharing is fun and discovers the different types of food that animals eat.    Includes special appearances by Cameron Diaz and Patricia Arquette.

We have a winner! My kids loved this video - yes, it was Elmo and featured the usual fun songs and dancing that Elmo for which is known..  It was a no-brainer.  Still - it also featured animals and included some bits about camping. Everybody wins with that combination in my household.

Yes, this video was a success in our household and I would highly recommend it as a holiday season gift idea.

Elmo's Animal Adventures is available on

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